Do Vegans And Vegetarians Really Need Nutritional Supplements?

Do vegan and vegetarian people really need supplements

B12 is found in animal products

Iron isnt absorbed as easily but supplements can help

Omega-3 Fatty Acids : Algae-Based Supplements Provide Essential Omega-3S For Vegetarians And Vegans.

Calcium Concerns : Supplements Ensure Strong Bones For Those Avoiding Dairy Products.

Vitamin D For Sun-Deprived : Many Vegans Lack Sunlight-Derived Vitamin D; Supplements Can Fill Gaps.

Iodine Intake : Vegans May Miss Iodine From Seafood So Iodized Salt Or Supplements Are Vital.

Protein Power : While It'S Possible To Get Enough Protein From Plants Supplements Can Aid.

Zinc Zest : Ensure Zinc Intake Through Supplements Or Zinc-Rich Foods For Vegetarians.